Disaster strikes, and you end up with damage to your home that eats through all your savings. Roofs are one of the worst culprits in these situations. An average repair can cost up to $1,000. Why pay that when you can keep your roof in shape? If you don’t know where to start, we will tell you what you need to know in this post. Keep reading to learn 10 roofing maintenance tips that will keep your roof in shape.

1. Trim Your Trees

If you have any trees near your home, you need to keep the ones near your home trimmed. During the year, branches can die. When this happens, it’s easy for them to fall off. Falling branches can be a source of roof damage and clogged gutters. It also helps prevent leaves from falling off into your gutters.

2. Clean Your Gutters

Gutters are a significant source of problems if you leave them unchecked. They are what helps direct water off your roof when it’s raining. When they become clogged with limbs or leaves, water can’t drain properly. These drainage problems lead to standing water on your roof. The problem here isn’t the water, but the extra weight. The extra strain on your roof can cause it to sag. While it might not seem like a big deal, a sagging roof isn’t structurally sound. It’s also a spot on your roof where water can continue to accumulate in. It makes it easier for collapses to happen.

3. Look for Leaks

Leaks can creep up on you. They start out small, but can quickly get out of control. You need to inspect leaks in every part of your roof. The first place to look is any attic space. Inspect the top of your attic for any water spots that could be coming from the roof. If you don’t have an attic, you can still look for water stains. Inspect the ceiling on the top story of your home to look for any signs of a leak. Leaks have a few other side effects. If you have any peeling wallpaper around your ceiling, this can be caused by water damage. If you don’t see any of these signs, it doesn’t mean you are free from leaks. To make sure, take a water hose to your roof. This water will expose any leaks that are there.

4. Fix Loose Flashing

Your flashing is the metal or aluminum that you place in roof valleys. This is the material that helps prevent leaking in your roof. This material can become damaged over time. A common problem you see with flashing is it becoming loose or damaged because of storms. When your flashing becomes loose, it leaves a spot for rainwater to get in and cause water damage. Over time this can leak into your home. Since water can pool in these areas, it’s also a prime spot for mold to grow. This mold can spread to the rest of your house.

5. Clean Out Mold

Lose areas aren’t the only area mold can grow on your roof. It can happen anywhere. When you inspect your roof, make sure you check all areas for any signs of mold or mildew. To help with this, make sure you give your roof a good cleaning every now and again. Try to avoid power washers because that can cause damage to your roof. There are several spray solutions you can purchase that will deal with any mold.

6. Inspect Your Soffits and Fascia

Have you ever looked up at your roofing and saw the area that overhangs and connects to your house? The part of this that overhangs is called the soffits and the part that forms the edge that connects to your house is the fascia. Since you usually make these of wood, you need to inspect these to make sure that there is no wood damage. All the moisture on the roof can cause these areas to rot.

7. Check Your Chimney and Skylights

You need to inspect any masonry or skylights on your roof to look for damage. When you have damage in these areas, it leads to potential leaks into your home. If your skylights are metal, you also run the risk or rust and corrosion. You can also use this time to clean your chimney. When you allow dirt to build up in a chimney, it can create blockages that prevent it from working and cause damage to the surrounding areas.

8. Find Nests and Pests

While they may seem harmless, pests can cause severe damage to your roof. When you have animals on the top of your house, they can leave droppings everywhere. These droppings can lead to disease spreading on your roof. Other pests can cause damage by chewing on your materials. This will create leaks in your home and cause further problems inside because of water damage.

9. Monitor Your Ventilation

If the venting on your roof isn’t working at 100%, then you are decreasing the lifespan of your roof. Proper ventilation allows moisture to move through your roofing. When your ventilation isn’t good, moisture builds up and can cause damage in the areas where it stays. It can cause problems with your rafters, shingles, and insulation.

10. Get an Inspection

While you may be doing roof maintenance to prevent hiring someone to work on your roof, getting an inspection can save you money in the long run. The chances are that you aren’t a roofing expert. When you bring someone in who is, then you have someone who can spot problems you can’t. Finding these things means you can fix potential problems before they get worse.

Follow These Roofing Maintenance Tips

You don’t need to be a professional to take care of your roof. When you follow these roofing maintenance tips, you can keep your roof in shape and stop any damage that will cost you money in the future. There are other things you can do around the house to keep it in shape. Head over to our blog to learn what these things are.

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