We almost wake up anywhere between 5 to 9 am, and after getting ready go to work for 6 to 10 boring hours and then come home and watch some TV or Netflix! We hardly know are we doing anything that is interesting to us! Well for me too it was all the same until I tried to do the same things in different ways. Many of us are slaves of our daily routines and job, and always too tired to get some adventure in our life. We forget that we are merely an atom in this cosmic universe, we are completely insignificant to the universe, the best we can do is be significant to ourselves. No, I did not write this to make you feel bad, instead, my intent was exactly the opposite, live your life to the fullest. You alone have the power to make your life interesting so do it don’t wait for it otherwise life will pass by and you will regret it in the future.

Here Are Some Suggestions on How to Make Your Life More Interesting and exciting

Make life interesting and Happy in routine

Routine is something that every one of us has. Routine is generally boring for everyone, what can you do to make your routine life more interesting? Well here you go

  1. Do you usually take tea or coffee or maybe bournvita! Well, try taking something different from the one you usually take.
  2. We all have the same old route to our workplaces, Don’t you get bored? So, now try departing 15 minutes earlier from your house and take a different route
  3. The same place to hangout out every day will bore you more than mathematics, you should try a place different to hang out with your friends or family or partner..!
  4. What do you do after work hours? Directly come home? Why ? Go to any fun and interesting place with your work buddies or friends like a concert or paintball.

Challenges Make Your Life More Interesting

These are some simple challenges that shall make your life exciting. 5. Wake up early and exercise for 30 mins daily, will be difficult at first but then surely you will feel peaceful and grateful. 6. AVOID TOXICITY in your life. 7. Make someone smile daily. Not only you but even the other person will feel good. 8. Reconnect to your old friends. 9. Detox yourself from Social media daily for some time.

How to Make Life Interesting Alone?

You are your own partner you don’t need to be dependent on anyone. Go out and make yourself happy. 10. Travel to different places, they don’t need to be expensive. You can travel to cheap countries too without damaging your pockets and yet enjoy your journey. 11. Don’t spend your free time watching series or movies alone, sign up for a new activity maybe something like a guitar or dancing or shooting or photography, etc. 12. Go on adventures alone, live through the adrenaline going in your body! Go for scuba diving or Paragliding! 13. You will definitely fall in love with playing video games on your Playstation, an option to choose if you want to stay in your home and make things exciting. 14. Learn something new like a new language to widen your horizons.

How to Live an Interesting Life After Marriage?

  1. Keep appreciating each other, appreciation tends to wear off after years of marriage which should not happen.
  2. Try new things in bed to spice up your married life, different things can be done with each other to satisfy one another.
  3. Surprise each other by buying gifts and cooking for each other, even the simplest gestures contribute to making your life more interesting after marriage.
  4. Go on dates, keep your children at home, take out time for each other and watch out things you say to each other.

How to Make Your Life Interesting Without Money?

19. Develop a New Hobby

20. Utilize the Internet

21. Engage in a Cause You Believe In.

Other Suggestions: 22.  Socialize with people on your recess or break time, don’t head up with the same old colleagues at lunch, try going across the room and taking lunch with someone else that you are unknown or acquaintance of, you never know you could get an extra knowledge that would help you or make a good new friend ^.^ 23. Weekends are not to be wasted! They are to be used for some short trips with your trips! Bosses don’t give holidays on weekends so that you rest or sleep all day at home! Boring people do that, not you. Get up, pack your bag, call your friends and go on a road trip for a day or two. These things aren’t a necessity in your life, but they will definitely add some spice to your life!

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