“Sometimes you need those bad days, because it helps you truly appreciate the good ones.”

Learn how to stay positive in tough times:

1. Being Strong Is Not an Option

The first and foremost thing to do is, to be strong and brave enough not to bring ourselves down with the one thing that happened wrong. Being so, we can face any tragedy that may come our way and turn every challenge into an opportunity. It is said that, “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” In this way we get to explore our limits and our resilience may surprise us. Stand tall in every situation so that all the problems seem very small to even bother. Even failures are difficult to handle especially when it’s the first time. But we must remember that every failure comes with a lesson and so we should not be disheartened ; instead we should be a sport and accept defeat and try not to repeat the mistakes that we did before. Allow tragedy to fortify your strength; refuse to let it weaken you, because staying strong is the thing which will allow you to stay positive in tough times.

2. Have Faith – Something Better is Coming Your Way

“Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness” Faith is a force that drives humanity, be it good or bad. So even in times of the worst of tragedies occurring in life, we must have faith and await the good to happen. There’s a saying that goes, “everything that happens, happens for something good”. It’s true to every word because if we look back at our experiences of life, we will find that they had a reason behind them and the worst incidents that happened had some good hidden behind them. For example, let’s do an activity: Think of one gruesome tragedy of your life. Now think of all the reasons why it was good that it happened. What did you achieve personally because of it? I’m sure all of us would have many answers such as; strength to face a situation like that or a lesson for life or would have identified our abilities and strengths which we were unaware about. So there’s good in everything but we have to have patience and wait for the storm to pass and see the rainbow.

3. Positivity is a necessity

Being positive can go a long way in life. It is very essential that we stay positive all through our dark and gloomy days. This can be ensured by being around positive elements such as people who have certain zeal in life and are driven by the urge to succeed even when they are at their lowest. They also prove to be a great support system when needed. To stay positive and optimistic in tough times it is imperative to also indulge in reading and nourishing ourselves with motivational pieces such as anecdotes or biographies which talk about experiences all around the world. We can relate to their stories and find solutions to a lot of our problems. If they can do it, so can we. This is the attitude that helps in taking the next step forward. C.S. Lewis once said that, “It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.” So carry all the pain with a feeling of positivity and you’ll find that the pain is not the trouble anymore instead it will be transformed into a driving force.

4. Prepare for the Worse

Every situation brings with itself anticipation. We anticipate all the possibilities- good or bad. So in a situation which is already heavy, try to think that it could have been worse. Thinking so can automatically bring down our trauma and we would automatically see the bright side to every situation. Prepare to take the bull by its horns. We must strive to always motivate ourselves not to get ruffled during tough times and try to find means to overcome every challenge. One of the best ways is to see the crisis as an opportunity, an opportunity to bring out the best in ourselves. In the words of Robert Brault, “Sometimes in tragedy we find our life’s purpose. The eye sheds a tear to find its Focus.” Challenges keep making us better and stronger for the tough situations we are going to face tomorrow. And so every next problem seems smaller than the previous one. We can make it into something beautiful and wonderful. All we to do is to just try and keep fighting with every difficult situation we face.

5. Don’t Forget to Smile

There is always a reason to smile. Find it. A smile can take us through the toughest of times and also give immense strength to us as well as to others. It helps to keep negativity and negative people at arms distance. Smiling demeanor is in itself a great positive boost and attracts like- minded people. Smiling helps us from within and helps us generate a different perspective and see various possibilities. When life gives you LIMES, rearrange the letters until they say SMILE. When life gives you ten reasons to cry, look for hundred reasons to smile. So don’t feel down when the times get rough and keep yourself going at all times because there is something so much better waiting at the end. Sometimes things don’t go the way we want them to, but that does not mean that it cannot be better. So work for it to make it happen and be thankful for the little happiness and wisdom you gain after every struggle. Now you know how to get something positive out of every tragedy in your life. Let’s stay positive in all those tough times.

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