Add a Story

Add your own twist to the traditional Easter egg hunt. Hide chocolate Easter eggs around the house for your children to find, but you can add a story. For instance, make it a fairy tale and the children need to rescue dragon eggs. Or they’re ancient artefacts that need to be rescued. You could even use this as a chance for fancy dress. Think of what stories your kids enjoy and what they’ll have the most fun with. Read next: 3 ‘New You’ Solutions For Men in 2021

Make Your Own

You and your children can have a fun afternoon crafting your own eggs. Whether it’s making chocolate creations or getting crafty with cardboard – there are lots of ways to get creative. It gives you some bonding time and gives the Easter egg hunt a lovely, homemade, touch. This year in particular is a perfect chance to go all out.

Activity Eggs

Another alternative you can try is activity eggs. You can write the activities on the back of the kids’ paper creations or buy recyclable plastic eggs to hide them in. It adds an extra layer of fun. You can decide what the challenges are. If you need a few ideas: they could hop around like the Easter bunny, pretend to be a chicken, or make up a new dance. Anything you think that would get a giggle out of them. Read next: 29 Trending Business Ideas To Look For in 2021

Virtual Party

Usually at Easter, we like to take the time to see our families. You can still do it this year but virtually. After all, you’ve gotten somewhat used to online reunions at this point. Once you and the kids have finished your Easter egg, have a call with your family members. The kids can show off the eggs they’ve found – or made – and you can all tuck into some chocolate. You can still celebrate the holiday together, even if you’re apart. While this Easter is set to be different from usual, it doesn’t mean that you and your family can’t enjoy the day. It simply means you’ve got to get a bit creative. What are some of your favorite Easter traditions?

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