A standard scale will not do the job, but a smart one that also measures body fat, like the Eros Scale, will help you assess your progress effectively. Healthy habits shouldn’t be overlooked, and a smart body scale helps your results shine. So, let’s see how it works and why you should get one.

How Does It Work?

It’s as easy as it sounds — you step on a scale, and it measures the critical metrics regarding your body composition. Each scale has its inner workings, but most rely on bioelectrical technology to capture all relevant data. For example, the Eros Smart Body Fat Scale uses bioelectrical impedance analysis technology to estimate body composition. So, when you stand on the scale, a tiny electric current goes through your feet, your pelvis, and the rest of your body to gather pertinent information. The scale’s sensors measure the amount of resistance produced by body fat. The rule of thumb states that greater body resistance means a higher fat percentage. We can calculate this as fat contains less water than muscle, meaning it’s harder for a current to travel through. Something that a smart body composition scale won’t tell you is the levels of body fat percentage that should concern you, which are:

32% or higher for men 25% or higher for women

Are Body Composition Scales Accurate?

Plenty of factors go into providing this data, including gender, age, height, weight, and level of physical activity. So, all of these variables provide a rough estimate of key fitness metrics. For instance, the Eros Scale measures the 13 crucial fitness metrics that any active person wants to know. These are: Other factors also go into providing accurate results. Factors like the time of day, food and water intake, and the clothes you wear can affect the numbers. Even the flatness of the floor where the scale is placed can influence your results.

So, can a smart body fat scale provide accurate results? Depending on the proprietary mathematical formula the scale in question uses, the results can be pretty reliable. The Eros Body Scale provides weight measuring results of +/-0.2 lb (+/-0.1 kg) and weighs up to 400 pounds (180 kg).

How to Make a Body Fat Scale Reading as Accurate as Possible

Interestingly, you can do a couple of things to help you get the most precise results. Follow these tips:

Place your scale on a hard, solid, and even surface. Don’t wear shoes or socks when stepping on the scale. Wear as little clothing as possible, or always wear similar clothing when taking measurements. Use the scale first thing in the morning, preferably before drinking your first glass of water. Make sure you always take your measurements at the same time of the day.

These tips might seem redundant to some, but they will surely help you get better results when measuring body fat, aside from other key metrics. A smart scale with body fat readings will always provide approximate estimates, but you must consider other changes in your body when stepping on the scale. So, if you’re part of a fitness program or on a diet, you can expect that to affect your results. Make sure to take everything with a dose of caution.

What Is the Difference Between BMI and Body Fat?

Body mass index or BMI is a reliable indicator of your overall health, but it cannot measure body fat. Instead, it provides an overall picture of whether you’re in the suitable weight range considering your height and age. According to some statistics, these are the recommended BMI numbers: If you’ve only ever relied on BMI, note that you did not get your body fat percentage calculations. You must rely on other methods, like a body fat smart scale, to get those numbers. Also read: Gut-Changing Nutrition Trends by Influencers


If you’re looking to measure your body fat percentage, along with a couple of other things, while following a healthy fitness journey, we recommend the Eros Smart Body Fat Scale. This smart scale provides insight into the crucial metrics that help you regularly note your results. You can even connect it to your smartphone or tablet and keep track of all relevant data in the palm of your hand. If you’re feeling generous, the Eros Smart Scale allows creating multiple accounts to share with your family and friends.

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