In high school, Russell was a state champion wrestler and then he went on to become one of the top ten wrestlers nationally. Russell started his online marketing journey in 2003 by selling software called ZipBrander. In 2014, Russell launched a sales funnel software called ClickFunnels which grew to over $100 million in the first three years.  So how did Russell go from being a state champion wrestler in school to creating a million-dollar software company? Let’s find out without much ado.

Who is Russell Brunson?

Russell Brunson is the CEO and co-founder of the million-dollar company ClickFunnels which is one of the fastest-growing non-venture-backed software companies in the world. Russell is also a New York Times bestselling author who published several incredible marketing books including DotCom Secrets, Traffic Secrets, Experts Secrets, and so on. In 2003, Russell started his online marketing journey selling software called ZipBrander which is a marketing tool aimed at helping people with traffic and profits. Russell sold everything from DVDs to books to coaching, marketing software, and more. He’s also popularized the concept of sales funnels in the marketing industry.  You can also check out our Pat Flynn’s net worth post to find interesting details about the affiliate marketing expert Pat from Smart Passive Income. Russell Brunson Biography:

Russell Brunson’s Age: 41 years old Birth Date: March 08, 1980 Birth Place: United States Nationality: American Status: Married

Russell Brunson in Numbers:

Nearly 1.1 million people follow Russell on Instagram Over 660,000 people follow Russell on Facebook His YouTube channel called “Russell Brunson – ClickFunnels” is one of the popular digital marketing channels which currently has over 221K subscribers

Are you ready to find out the REAL secrets that contributed to Russell Brunson’s marketing success? Curious to know how Russell Brunson net worth went from $0 to over $40 million? Let’s jump into the details without much ado. 

10 Transforming Lessons All Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Russell Brunson

Lesson 1: Build Profitable Sales Funnels

The #1 reason Russell Brunson net worth went over $40 million is his ability to build HIGHLY profitable sales funnels. A sales funnel refers to the buying process online businesses use to turn a random visitor into a repeat customer.  If you’re struggling with sales or conversions, building a solid sales funnel solves all your problems. Here’s how a sales funnel looks like; As you can see above, a sales funnel consists of many stages such as;

Attracting visitors to your website (using your blog, social media, SEO, etc) Converting those visitors (using landing pages, powerful calls to action, forms, etc) Closing those leads (using tools like your email lists, workflows, etc) Creating customer buzz to turn your one-time customers to repeat buyers (using tools like social media, smart call to actions, email lists, and more)

If you’re looking for in-depth strategies to build a powerful sales funnel, we recommend you to check out our eBook on affiliate marketing called “Affiliate Marketing Blueprint” where you can also discover how to go for zero to $1000 per month from affiliate marketing. Key takeaway: Learn how to turn your website visitors into prospects and repeat customers. Make sure to build a sales funnel so you can attract more email subscribers and leads which you can later turn into potential buyers. 

Lesson 2: Get A Mentor

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” – John Crosby  Want to succeed in your industry QUICKLY? Get a mentor.  When Russell was new to the online marketing world, he got mentorship from Mark Joyner who’s now the founder and CEO at Simpleology. It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie or a successful entrepreneur: you need a mentor. One big reason to get a mentor is you’re going to be much more disciplined.  They have walked the path you’re on, so they know both the shortcuts to take to succeed fast and all the common pitfalls to avoid. That being said, there are THREE things you should look for in a mentor; If a mentor has the above-mentioned traits, you should definitely get help from him as that’s the QUICKEST way to succeed in your industry.  Key takeaway: A mentor can help you easily identify the best opportunities in your industry, shorten your learning curve, and show you the right direction to succeed faster in your career. So don’t hesitate to get help from a mentor. 

Lesson 3: Create Evergreen Books

Want to become a successful entrepreneur like Russell Brunson? Then, learn to create evergreen books. Just have a look at the user ratings on his books. Let’s briefly talk about the best-selling books written and published by Russell along with the details of those books. Dotcom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online with Sales Funnels This is one of the best-selling books by Russell Brunson where he teaches you how to generate leads and easily sell your products and services. If you want to master the art of funnel building to grow your business online with sales funnels, this book is a must-read. Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook to Find Your Message, Build a Tribe, and Change the World If you want to learn how to convert your online visitors into lifelong customers, this book is a perfect choice. Russell provides you step-by-step strategies to turn your expertise into building a powerful sales funnel that attracts high-paying customers. Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers If you’re a blogger or running a website owner who’s struggling to generate more traffic, this book is a great read for you. You’ll discover a ton of PROVEN strategies to get more traffic to your website. Key takeaway: If you want to establish yourself as an authority in your industry, create books. Create books that transform people’s lives. Make sure to share all the secret strategies and recipes you know to transform others’ lives.

Lesson 4: Focus on Building an Email List

Russell is the one who popularized the concept of “sales funnels”. Do you know what his secret weapon is to build successful sales funnels for his business? It’s email marketing. Email marketing is a powerful strategy that helps you to build solid relationships with your customers. In fact, email generates $40 for every $1 spent, which is an astounding 4000% ROI! So if you want to grow your business online like Russell, build an email list. Here are some of the proven ways to build and grow your email list. Offer freebies: One of the fastest ways to build your email list is to offer free incentives such as courses, eBooks, etc. At BloggersPassion, we currently have free blogging and SEO courses. You can also give a try to that idea as courses work pretty well! Create a free online tool: One smart way to quickly grow your list is to create a free online tool that helps your target audience, and all they have to do is sign up with their email address.  For example, Neil Patel created an SEO tool called “Ubersuggest” to gather email addresses. Although it has a paid version, you can still use it for free by using your email. Key takeaway: An email list allows you to convert random visitors into subscribers and leads which can be later converted into lifelong customers. So start building your email list from day one.

Lesson 5: Videos Are the Future of Marketing

Russell runs a YouTube channel called “Russell Brunson – ClickFunnels” where he creates at least ONE video per week. On his YouTube channel, he mostly talks about;

How to get traffic to your website How to build powerful sales funnels How to build and grow your business and more

Russell is consistent with his YouTube channel for one BIG reason: he knows the power of video marketing. He knows there’s so much potential on YouTube to attract new people to try his products and services. If you’re also planning to grow your business online, use video marketing. Here are some amazing ways to use video marketing to grow your business online. Create and stick to a posting schedule: The best way to succeed on YouTube or any other video marketing platform is this: BE CONSISTENT. Create a schedule where you can push videos regularly. It can be once a week or twice a month. Stick to the schedule for 1 or 2 years.  Always optimize your videos: Learn how to optimize your videos. Use YouTube SEO techniques such as targeting a primary keyword and using it on your video title, description, tags, etc. Key takeaway: If you want to become a successful entrepreneur like Russell, use video marketing. Start a YouTube channel. Create useful videos to attract new audiences to your business. 

Lesson 6: Master the Art of Selling

Here’s a powerful tip to master the art of selling from Russell Brunson. The BIG secret to selling is… telling a story in a way that increases the perceived value of the thing that you’re trying to sell. So yes, learning the art of storytelling is a powerful way to increase your sales (both offline and online). Also, here are some amazing strategies you can use to sell almost anything. Don’t sell, help: If you observe any successful entrepreneur, you’ll notice they don’t try to sell stuff FORCIBLY. Instead, they help their target audience. Then, they recommend products or services that solve their problems. That’s how they attract a ton of sales. If you want to master the art of selling, help FIRST.  Always follow up: Most people who are new to selling don’t follow up with their leads or customers. If you can follow up with the people who’ve already shown interest in your products with special discounts or deals, you can easily generate a ton of sales. Know your product thoroughly: No matter whether you’re selling your own product or an affiliate product, use it thoroughly and understand how it uncovers the outcomes the customer wants. Create videos, articles or case studies to show the benefits of using that product so you can easily attract more sales. Key takeaway: Selling is NOT irritating people with your sales pitches. It’s all about knowing your buyer personas, and helping them with the products that solve their problems. 

Lesson 7: Offer Consulting & Speaking Engagements

Are you an expert or influencer in your industry? Do you have any skill(s) that you’re really proud of? Then, you should definitely try offering consulting or speaking engagements. Why? Because, people and brands all over the world would love to pay for your time and expertise. That’s exactly what Russell does to make money. Russell Brunson is REALLY good at his consulting and speaking gigs. Guess what? He makes a ton of money from his consulting services. If you’re curious, here’s how much Russell charges for his consulting and speaking engagements.

​Lunch With Russell: Starts at $10,000 and on location in Boise  ​Speaking Engagements: $500,000 or 50% back of room sales (whichever is higher) ​Speaking Engagements (With No Selling from Russell): $500,000 speaking fee plus travel and expenses ​Building a Funnel: $1 million and 25% of gross sales of the funnel (for the lifetime of the funnel)

Insane fees, right? The best part? Even though his consulting fee is expensive, still many people and companies consider his consulting and speaking engagements.  Key takeaway: Don’t hesitate to offer 1:1 consulting or speaking gigs if you’re good at something. You’re NOT only helping other people and brands but you’ll also be able to make huge money.

Lesson 8: Learn what makes people buy

In his book, “Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers”, Russell Brunson explains ONE important thing about people’s psychology. Here’s how it goes. “Pay attention the next time you’re scrolling to what hooks grab your attention. Why did you stop? Why did you click play? What did the hook say, and how did it make you feel? Answering these questions will help you to become amazing at developing hooks.” What did you understand? If you learn what makes people purchase something or take action (such as filling a form or buying a book), you can easily become good at selling. That’s the reason Russell is able to build a million-dollar business like ClickFunnels. He knows what makes people buy! Key takeaway: Understanding people’s psychology is extremely important. You should learn what makes someone buy. Once you learn what “hooks” grab your customers’ attention, you can use those “hooks” to build solid sales funnels.

Lesson 9: Start A Blog

Russell knows the power of blogging. That’s why he runs multiple blogs to publish amazing content. Currently, Russell runs the following blogs;

Marketing Secrets blog where he mostly covers how to grow an online business and entrepreneurship  His personal blog Russell Brunson where he mostly covers his own products and sales funnels DotComSecrets blog to help entrepreneurs around the world to start, promote and grow their companies online ClickFunnels blog where he talks about his own product

If you don’t have a blog yet, you should start one as blogging offers you HUGE benefits including;

The ability to attract more traffic from search engines To generate more sales and conversions To educate your target audience about your products or services To build and grow your personal brand To connect with the influencers in your industry and the list goes on

If you’re planning to start a blog, we HIGHLY recommend you to go with a reliable yet affordable web host like Bluehost. Bluehost is the official recommended web host by WordPress since 2005 and it is also used by over 2 million websites worldwide. Here’s a simple guide on how to start a blog that teaches you how to quickly set up your own blog on WordPress using Bluehost. Key takeaway: Start a blog. Create useful content. Educate your audience about the products and services you recommend. Use your blog to build and grow your online presence.

Lesson 10: Be Visible On Every Major Platform

Russell knows the importance of being everywhere online. He’s active on every major platform including YouTube, blog, podcast, and so on. Here are some of the major ways he promotes his products (or teaches something online).

Through his books Through his YouTube channel Through his podcast called the Marketing Secrets Through his multiple blogs

He also goes for webinars and speaking engagements to teach entrepreneurship and marketing skills to others. And, you can find a ton of his interviews with other marketers on the web. Key takeaway: If you want to grow your online business, you should spread your brand’s awareness by being everywhere. Make sure to build your brand on EVERY major platform where your target audience spends their time. Few More Net Worth Posts:

Russell Brunson Net Worth: Lessons to Learn From a Legend Jack Ma Net Worth: 10 Life-Changing Lessons From Alibaba Founder Ramit Sethi Net Worth: 10 Brilliant Lessons to Learn from Ramit’s Success Guy Kawasaki Net Worth: Top Lessons to Learn from His Success Tim Ferriss Net Worth: Lessons to Learn from NYT Best-Selling Author MrBeast Net Worth 2023: How MrBeast Gained Over 125 Million Subscribers PewDiePie Net Worth: How He Became the #1 Most-Subscribed YouTuber

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about the famous Internet marketing personality Russell Brunson.

Final Thoughts on Russell Brunson Net Worth

Over the past 15 years, Russell built a strong community of over one million entrepreneurs.  Russell has been featured on major sites such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post, and more. He is also the host of the #1 rated business podcast called “The Marketing Secrets Show”.  – Offers consulting– Speaking engagements – His investments in multiple businesses– His million-dollar online venture ClickFunnels– Affiliate marketing– Selling his own products and courses

How to Make Money from Pet Blogging in 2023? Future of Blogging: Are Blogs Still Relevant in 2023? 15 Free Blogging Sites for Creating Blogs in 2023 20 Best Blogging Courses for Beginners What is Event Blogging and How to Make Money from It? How to Create a Micro Niche Blog and Make Profit from it? 10 Blogging Skills You Need to Become a Successful Blogger How to Start a Weight Loss Blog and Make Money from It?

Also, Russell built a million dollar company ClickFunnels from scratch and sold over 450,000 copies of his books. He’s a TRUE entrepreneur who built a solid business online by helping others.  So what are your thoughts on Russell Brunson net worth? Did you find this case study helpful? If yes, please share it with others and also let us know your thoughts in the comments.