Let me just rest in peace. Let me cut all the connections of mine from the world, this mental stress and depression. Let my soul, for the first time get the tender touch of peace and sobriety. Let me be one with mind and soul, to spend some quality time with it and resolve my problem of another birth, more and more spiritual. Indeed, the phase of my seclusion has come. Please, let me be one with this nature, to attain eternity. I want to get apart from this narcissistic world and get intrigue in to something that gives ultimate happiness. It’s the time for ultimatum, to get some life from the sparkle to light myself again. Oh not again to that depreciated life but rather in original inaugural form. Let me find myself in these discombobulate world. Let me get blessed with some brainstormed boon. Let me conglomerate all the blessings, till now I just got as materialized and buy some peace and happiness for me, solution for each restlessness.

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