A team comprises a group of individuals, each with qualities that can be used to achieve specific goals. A team dynamic is most effective when all members can integrate their skills and expertise successfully. Each individual can then use their skills to contribute to the overall success of the team. The success of a team ultimately depends on the team’s ability to cooperate. A successful team will synchronize their actions, making up for each other’s weaknesses while enhancing their strengths. A team leader is primarily responsible for defining goals, creating actionable plans and organizing the team according to individual characteristics. For a team leader to effectively maintain cooperation, they must also exhibit qualities that positively affect the team dynamic. The qualities of a team leader can be observed in environments outside of the workplace. Furthermore, it would benefit a team leader to observe how leadership is expressed in various places other than team environments.

Examples of Team Leadership


In a competitive environment, a team must work well as a unit. Where split-second decision-making is constantly required, the team must cooperate consistently. A team captain must not only perform highly in their designated role but must also inspire the team as they progress through the competition. While sports games are dynamic, the team captain must ensure that each team member is contributing effectively. The captain will constantly provide a variety of tactical and emotional support.

Non-Profit Organizations

Team leaders within a non-profit organization require a unique set of attributes. As the work results do not focus on monetary gain, it is up to the leader of the organization to delegate responsibilities while maintaining the morale of their team members. In this environment, the team leader is responsible for the organization of resources and services. Inevitably, the team leader will inspire their team with their overall work ethic.

Training and Mentorship

In your life, you will likely have been put in a position where you were required to train someone, or someone was required to train you. This situation calls for the mentor to identify the trainee’s strengths and weaknesses. The mentor will become an example for the trainee to follow as they relay important information. This role requires patience and understanding. While it may not always be in an official team situation, this is a fine example of team leadership.

Top 10 Team Leadership Qualities

While it is important for team leaders to be technically efficient – delegating tasks and identifying goals – an effective team leader must have qualities beyond work efficiency. Effective team leadership requires characteristics that create positive work environments, allowing team members to contribute well.

1. Awareness

As a team leader, you must remain aware of your team members’ contributions. Every team member has something to offer, and each contribution is amplified when it is noticed. The team leader must acknowledge the achievements of their team members. When these contributions are recognized, it enforces the idea that each team member’s input is necessary. Studies show that employees are happier and more productive when they feel needed. Likewise, you must encourage your team members when you see that they are falling behind. This will help them feel like they are being listened to. Expressing that you are willing to help them improve will promote a positive work environment for every team member.

2. Acknowledgment

As a team leader, you must listen to every member of your team. Whenever one of them has a query, idea or complaint, listen. Serious consideration of your colleagues’ queries will further promote a positive work environment. This will allow team members to feel like their thoughts and ideas contribute to the team’s success as well as their skills. Acknowledging your team will make them feel as though they are consequential, causing them to care more about their output.

3. Work Ethic

In any environment, a team is always inspired when they can see how hard another team member is working. This goes further for team leaders. As a team leader, putting extra effort into your work causes the team members to see how much you care about the team’s overall success. A team leader’s work ethic is often reflected in that of the team, as the feeling of wanting to succeed is shared.

4. Having a Clear Vision

A team will have confidence in their contributions when they are confident in their team leader’s sense of direction. Having a clear vision will allow you to delegate tasks confidently, showing your team members that you know what you are doing. Constantly changing your mind and failing to make decisions will cause team members to lose faith in your judgment. Make your goals clear and only change your mind when absolutely necessary.

5. Integrity

A team leader lacking in integrity causes team members to lose faith in their leadership. A leader needs to remain honest and forthcoming in every situation. As a result, your team members will work more diligently, knowing that they can trust you. Among other things, maintaining integrity means sticking to principles that you’ve expressed, keeping promises and talking openly and honestly. Team members will show loyalty towards you when they see that you can maintain integrity.

6. Approachability

As a team leader, maintaining approachability encourages a positive work environment. Team members must be relaxed enough to want to approach you with any issues or questions. A relaxed environment allows members to feel like they are a vital part of a team rather than merely a subordinate. If you are unapproachable, you may be adding unnecessary stress to the overall work environment. Employees may see you as more of an adversarial figure than a team member.

7. Organization

A team leader’s organization is a crucial way to build trust among team members. When team members can see that you can consistently manage your time and keep track of tasks, they will rely on you. A disorganized leader can lead to various problems and ultimately affect the overall performance of the team. The team’s success is highly dependent on its overall organization, which is largely reflective of the team leader. In a working environment, you will be confronted with many obstacles. However, as a team leader, you must consistently provide solutions to these inevitable problems. You must also lead by example whenever issues arise. The workplace, like life, is dynamic. Show your teammates your willingness to continue whenever problems present themselves. During moments of failure, gather your team and re-evaluate your strategies. It is important not to single out and blame certain members but to privately provide constructive criticism where it is due. Accepting failure is also crucial to leadership. Maintaining a positive attitude will contribute to the team’s morale and encourage stronger cooperation.

9. Celebrating Accomplishments

Celebrating your team’s accomplishments is an effective way of building your team’s overall morale. Team leaders should highlight individual success as well as the overall success of the team. Doing so causes team members to feel like their hard work is being appreciated. Acknowledged accomplishments will inspire team members, providing further incentives to work hard towards future goals. Team confidence is essential and can only be built when team members feel like their contributions are consequential to the team’s success. As a team leader, you must always look out for when your team members are performing exceptionally. Celebrating their accomplishments will provide positive reinforcement, promoting a more productive environment.

10. Providing Feedback

Communication is one of the most important aspects of a functional workplace. Team leaders must regularly communicate with their team to keep up with their overall progress. By evaluating each team member and providing feedback, you can benefit each member’s performance. As a team leader, providing feedback indicates to your team that you are noticing their contribution. In addition, you can help them identify where they are succeeding and where they are falling behind. Providing feedback to your team reduces the risk of future mistakes. This will ultimately save time and help to build more trust between you and your team. The time saved from effective evaluation will improve your team’s productivity. In addition, as you become more efficient, the team’s overall confidence and motivation will grow.

Tips on Developing Team Leadership Skills

1. Self-Evaluation

While it is important to evaluate your team members and provide useful feedback, it is just as important to critically assess your own performance. Self-awareness is essential for leadership roles, as you must be willing to view yourself critically to evaluate in an impartial way how well your colleagues are doing. Consider where your strengths lie within the team dynamic and what aspect of your contributions must be improved. It is helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

Have I been communicating effectively with my team? Where can I improve regarding my individual duties? Where is the team in regard to reaching our goal? How is the team morale? Does each member of the team feel like they are being listened to? Have I been proactive when adapting to challenges?

Honestly assessing your strengths and weaknesses will allow you to evaluate your team’s progress more efficiently. Self-evaluation will increase your commitment to your goals and increase your effectiveness as a team leader. The more you practice self-evaluation, the more effective you will be as a team leader.

2. Ask For Feedback

Asking for feedback from your colleagues is perhaps the best way of improving your overall performance as a team leader. Studies show that team engagement is at its strongest when honest feedback is regularly given. Not only does asking for feedback improve your performance, but it also builds trust between you and your colleagues. Employees will feel like they can be honest with you, which will improve their confidence in your future decisions. As team leader, you can receive feedback in a few different ways:

Host a meeting where team members can openly discuss your performance as the team leader Create a survey where team members can anonymously rate your performance on different aspects Encourage a dynamic feedback culture, where team members can provide feedback at certain times of the day

Creating an environment where regular feedback is encouraged will motivate your team. Each individual will feel like they are heard and contributing to the overall team dynamic.

3. Volunteer for Leadership Positions

Entering leadership positions in various contexts will undoubtedly increase your experience as a team leader. You don’t have to be officially designated as part of a team to express leadership qualities. There are plenty of opportunities in the workplace for you to build your experience as a leader. For example:

You can volunteer to start a side project where you are required to build a team and designate a goal for a specific time. You can volunteer to take part in a team-building exercise where you will lead the activity. You can enroll in a leadership training course within your organization or a third-party organization.

Putting yourself in positions where you can build your leadership experience will ultimately develop your proficiency in all leadership aspects. As well as volunteering for extra leadership opportunities, you must evaluate your progress. You must reflect on what you’ve learned and what you can improve on as a team leader. As you gain more confidence as a team leader, you will be able to manage larger teams and larger, more complex projects.

4. Observe Other Leaders

By observing how more experienced leaders go about their role, you will understand which aspects work best in a team environment. Every leader has a different style of leadership. It is important that you take note of the most effective leadership techniques from leaders in your organization. However, experienced leadership does not have to be in the context of your work environment. There are plenty of examples of effective leadership in the world for you to observe. Try to diversify the context in which you can take note of effective leadership. Effective team leadership can be found in the following:

Professional sports School sports and events Military training Fundraising events Charity programs Public races Various team-based competitions

Observing team leaders in different environments will expand your view on which techniques work in certain contexts and situations. It helps to ask the team leaders and team members in this environment questions for added insight.

5. Build Relationships

The best way to deepen your understanding of people is to spend time with more individuals. Understanding human relations is integral to improving a team dynamic. The best way to improve your interactions with people in the workplace is by interacting with colleagues outside of the workplace. Invite them for a get-together where they can relax outside of the work environment. This will allow you to get to know your colleagues on a more human level. Doing this will enable you to understand and empathize with particular traits you might not otherwise understand. Getting to know people’s life experiences outside of the workplace can be a sobering experience and may provide you with a mature perspective within your leadership role. They must be able to collaborate and communicate well with other members. They must take accountability for any of the team’s decisions. They must have a strong idea of where the project is going. They must be open to ideas and flexible with the team. Finally, they must be driven and motivated to finish the project. Discussing ideas and making the right decisions can be hard, and the best team leaders know when to delegate roles and take control when it is needed. Team leaders also represent the team project and must set an example for the rest of the team. Building this skill will prepare you for future managerial positions. However, it will also provide you with a more mature attitude toward your overall work environment. As a team leader, you will learn to understand your colleagues on a deeper level while dynamically evaluating your own contributions to the workplace. Regardless of your career or prospects, team leadership is a skill that can certainly benefit you.