1. Make a journal:

Collect moments, not things! It is very important to record your each and every day’s synopsis of experience, learning, major events, crucial matters and a lot of many things. It will cultivate regularity in you. You can insert photos of any memory. This habit of making journal or diary flows with a very precious collection of memories and nostalgic moments. After some years when you will go through it, that will give you immense happiness!

2. Learn to Cook:

Food is actually a staple word itself. Learn to cook at least the food which you like. Make it by yourself and enjoy it. It will give you joy. Impress your family, friends and all by your cooking skills. It will be beneficial for you when there is no one to serve you. Cook and be a chef for yourself!

3. Spend some time alone:

This is one of the best things you should do when you turn 18, you should learn to enjoy your own company. We almost try to impress or please other people every day but, this time try to delight yourself.  Every time it’s not important to flow with one another. Spend some time alone, it will help you make your life more peaceful you as well as you will realize a lot many things for your personal life and career. Live it for your own and love it a lot!

4. Know the Importance of Money and Start a Job or an Internship:

Turning into 18 you would begin to understand the importance of money. It shouldn’t be spent recklessly. Start an internship somewhere. It will give you both money and experience. As you grow you will need money for doing a party, personal expenses like movie tickets, clothes, gifts for family, friends and for other reasons. So, know the importance of money and save as much amount as you could because it will help you in the future. After completing an internship, you should try to get a job because now you are experienced so you can get a good amount of salary. Check out the Ways to Make Some Extra Money

5. Be a socialized person:

As you’ve turned 18 you should start socializing with people if you were not doing it much before, because being a socialized person you will have a broad vision for each and everything. Attend some social functions; be in contact with more and more people. Know the people and rather than seeing a reel life experience the real and practical life! It will enhance your personality, ethics, discipline, image and will make you more confident towards life. It will also help you to become more mature and adolescent. You will get in contact with the actual world.

6. Cast a vote:

A vote is valuable. Never miss a chance to vote. Understand the difference between wrong and right and cast your vote. It can change the whole scenario. At this age, you are a legal voter who can contribute the vote to the right party. Evaluate the past, be aware of the present situation, determine the future and cast a vote.

7. Learn to Say No: 

You cannot please everyone every time,  sometimes you should also think about your own self and set priorities for yourself. Be with those people who understand the value of the time as it is the most important thing in life. Don’t be so generous that you give away all the favors. Think long term and set your priorities. Learn to say no and still maintain good relationships with people. Really. It is important to choose the right things and make the precious time of your teenage a productive one. Set priorities, be punctual and be responsible for own, respect all in society and enjoy your life. Have a lovely life ahead!

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Things You Should Do When You Turn 18  Detail Guide   - 47Things You Should Do When You Turn 18  Detail Guide   - 53Things You Should Do When You Turn 18  Detail Guide   - 78Things You Should Do When You Turn 18  Detail Guide   - 98Things You Should Do When You Turn 18  Detail Guide   - 25Things You Should Do When You Turn 18  Detail Guide   - 23Things You Should Do When You Turn 18  Detail Guide   - 25