Of course, everything revolves around an online presence nowadays, especially when you’re an aspiring digital entrepreneur, but that doesn’t mean you can succeed anywhere in the US. Apart from having the right mindset, great employees, and carefully designed strategies, it would help if you also had your business in the right city. Have a look at our list with the best places to start a business as a digital entrepreneur. 

1. Oklahoma City, OK

There are several reasons why Oklahoma City is the perfect choice for you. Small and mid-sized companies enjoy a lot of benefits. For example, the living cost is close to 5% below the US average, while home prices are lower than in other major cities. Plus, Oklahoma City welcomes startups with a cash-back incentive, aimed at that wh pay employees above the national average.  As a digital entrepreneur, you’ll also want to hear about the Enterprise program, focused on expanding and growing entrepreneurship in the city. Mainly, the program is designed to aid business owners to help them with becoming more successful. And we can’t forget that Oklahoma City is a great place to live in. There are countless fun activities to do here, and there are also dozens of cultural programs. Also read: Best Investing in Real Estate for Entrepreneurs in 2020

2. Austin, TX

Despite having a population at about 2 million, Austin ranks as one of the best cities for venture capital investment. Lucky for you, vast amounts of money have been poured into smaller businesses, which have seen exponential growth over the last years. It’s no wonder that millennials view Austin as one of the US’s best places, from a career-building standpoint. Another great thing about the city for you as a business owner is that all the costs of running a company are lower than the national average. The icing on the cake is that there is no corporate or state income tax. If you have a tech firm, you can get all the help you need, thanks to Capital Factory, the city’s tech networking hub. It’s a great place to meet new people and connect with other business owners. 

3. Salt Lake City, UT

Utah’s capital and the most populous city is not just about beautiful mountains and breathtaking locations in nature. As a digital entrepreneur, you can enjoy a lot more here: property and corporate taxes are pretty great for startups, and the usual costs of businesses are lower than the US average.  It’s also easy to find like-minded entrepreneurs, highly-skilled workers, and various helpful groups and associations thanks to the Startup Connectory. Of course, this is not the only help you can get, as there are several other hubs and networks you can tap into across the state. With these, planning your business and expanding will become a whole lot easier.  Also read: How to Overcome Homesickness After Relocation?

4. New York City, NY

There is no list without the Big Apple regarding startups, businesses, and digital entrepreneurship. New York City has it all, ranging from financial options, a business-friendly environment, a top-notch tech infrastructure, and an unparalleled workforce. For you, one of the most important things is to surround yourself with people you can learn from and employees who can help you. NYC has a surplus of both. There are hundreds of highly-skilled and ambitious professionals who are ready to work with and for you. Apart from a fantastic pool of experienced and eager workers, you can enjoy the presence of various innovative companies with leaders who are always ready to share their ideas and perspectives. 

Final thought:

Another great thing is that moving to the city that never sleeps can be stress-free and without any significant complications. You can choose from several moving companies, all having the much-needed equipment and manpower to make the relocation seem like child’s play. Experienced commercial movers NYC will make short work of the relocation that would take you days or even a whole week. When you go with the pros, your business’s downtime will be inconsequential, and you can start work as soon as possible once the move is finished.

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