It may be impossible to subscribe to an internet provider who will never face an outage; however, it is quite possible and sensible to sign up with a provider who maintains a great customer service department. It will be the only thing keeping you calm in an otherwise panic-driven situation. Since I first signed up with Windstream, I have only faced an outage once in five years. However, it was not the best of moments to have one. I was in the middle of an online job interview when suddenly everything froze, I can still remember how I thought my heart had stopped at the realization that the internet was not working. I quickly got in touch about it and they understood of course. Nevertheless, it was the Windstream customer service that helped me calm down and breathe until the time my internet was up and running again. They helped me figure out the issue and fix it all the while reassuring that it will be okay. So yes, a good customer support team is crucial when deciding upon an ISP.

Reasons for an Internet Outage

Several reasons can cause internet outage. Below we will discuss a few common ones to look out for. Also Read: How to protect yourself during online communication

Handling an Internet Outages

You must make sure everything is working properly at your end before calling up your internet provider’s helpline. This saves everyone’s time and helps you focus on the problem instead of going around doing basic things.

Prepare for Future Outages

Like I said earlier, internet outages are a rare occurrence. However, they are not a pleasant experience. Therefore, if you have never faced an outage do not get cocky because you will someday. On the other hand, if you already have faced the horrors of prolonged downtime then stop being naïve because it can surely happen again. No matter who you are, where you live and how amazing your ISP is, you need a backup plan. It could be as simple as locating a diner that is open 24/7 and offers free Wi-Fi that you could use in case of emergencies. Just ensure that it is not in the same neighborhood because if the whole area is facing downtime then so will they.

Concluding Thoughts

It doesn’t matter if you’re a large business set-up or a single person home, internet outages are something nobody can escape. That’s why it’s important to understand why they happen and how to deal with them. Make sure you do everything in your hands to ensure that nothing at your end is causing the problem, before contacting your ISP to complain. Hope this article will help you stay calm and do the necessary in case of an outage. Just remember to be patient. Also Read: Fiber Wire Internet vs DSL: What’s Better for My Small Business?

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