Changes to office policy began in the late 1960s with the introduction of ‘casual Friday’, and shifting corporate culture –combined with a rise in individualism among employees – has led to increasingly informal dress codes. As business casual takes over in corporate environments, many believe we have reached the end of the business dress code. Yet the concept of business causal can (and does) cause confusion, since there is no one-size-fits-all formula and its definition can vary between organizations. This article looks at what business casual attire is, with some tips on how to avoid making a potential faux pas. As the concept remains vague, business casual dress codes are often misinterpreted or taken to extremes. As a result, some employees may interpret the statement, ‘no suit required’ as a license to wear whatever they like. When trying to define what business casual means, it is useful to think along the following lines:

Wherever customer-facing roles are involved, the ‘business’ part of business casual tends to be emphasized. Positions that are not public-facing tend to have a more relaxed attitude towards business casual workwear.

Having said that, there are no standard rules and the concept can differ across countries, cultures and industry sectors. Very generally, two types of business casual dress codes are observed:

Those that lean towards conservative or formal styles (in industries like legal, accounting, finance and education). A more relaxed business casual dress code policy (in sectors like tech, media, fashion, creative and digital).

Now, let’s try to establish some guidelines on what is and isn’t considered business casual for both male and female employees.

Shirts – Polo shirts, collared and/or buttoned shirts, crew neck or V-neck sweaters or sweater vests. Sweatshirts and T-shirts may be allowed in informal settings, or for employees with non-customer-facing roles. In most cases, it is best to stick to solid color T-shirts instead of those with logos or graphics. Jackets – Blazers, cardigans or suit jackets. Pants – Dress slacks, chinos, dressy khakis or corduroys. Denim pants may be accepted in some workplaces/industries, especially if paired with a more formal item of clothing like a blazer. Sweatpants are too casual to qualify as business casual. Shoes – Closed-toe shoes like Oxfords, derby shoes, brogues or monk shoes. In some workplaces, slip-on loafers may be acceptable. It is best to avoid tennis or running shoes unless they are specifically allowed. Socks – Dark-colored men’s dress socks. Avoid brightly colored or athletic socks. Ties – Wearing a tie or a bow tie is optional, and in many cases might seem a little formal.

In some cases (when attending a job interview or on your first day at work), you will have to make a decision about what constitutes business casual, while having very little information from your employer. When deciding what business-appropriate attire means in the absence of specific guidelines, it is best to err on the safe (or conservative) side. Generally speaking, being overdressed is less problematic than being underdressed, although repeatedly wearing a three-piece suit in an office where jeans and a T-shirt are the norm may negatively affect workplace relationships. Below are some key tips to bear in mind if you are unsure about a company’s dress code:

Do your research. Check the company’s social media profiles or the corporate website to see what employees are wearing.  Remember you are still at work. The ‘casual’ part of business casual does not eliminate the need for attire to be professional and appropriate. Don’t go too casual. The idea for ‘casual Friday’ was born in Hawaii, and while Hawaiian shirts were OK, shorts and sandals were not. As a guideline, stick to one casual garment per outfit, or mix and match formal clothes (such as a blazer) with casual pieces (jeans). Choose classic over trendy. Of course, exceptions apply in certain industry sectors like fashion or film. Choose clothes that are coherent with the image of the industry you work in. Ask yourself what your sector is known for. Is it forward-looking and innovative or poised and discreet? Ideally, your attire should strike a balance between your personality and the personality of the organization. Colors matter. Go for solid, matching or coordinating colors. If in doubt, stick to neutrals like black, white, gray, navy or brown. In most cases, pastel colors are also safe. Fabric type matters too. It’s safer to go for knits or woven fabrics instead of stretch or jersey-type fabrics. See-through fabrics are clearly best avoided. Don’t forget the details and accessories. You cannot go wrong by choosing formal or conservative accessories, even if the rest of your outfit is rather casual. For example, leather shoes or a leather belt are less likely to be perceived as ‘stuffy’ than a tie or a suit jacket. Jewelry is best worn as an accent – think a modest bracelet instead of a chunky statement necklace. Quality, not quantity. Whether we like it or not, the clothes we wear say something about us. Let that something be quality and attention to detail, which are always desirable traits in the business world. Neat and tidy can still be casual. Business casual should never be synonymous with ‘unkempt’. Clothes should always fit well, be clean, well maintained and neatly pressed. Shoes should be polished and in good condition. Neat and tidy clothes go hand-in-hand with a neat and tidy appearance. Don’t underestimate the importance of things like hairstyle and makeup. It’s always safer to go for low-key and subtle choices.

Final Thoughts

Throughout the corporate world, personal appearance and presentation remain some of the most important factors in employability and career advancement. While informal dress codes are gaining acceptance in an increasing number of modern business settings, the lack of a clear-cut definition about what constitutes business casual can be perplexing. The fact that business casual codes differ across industry sectors only adds to the confusion – and makes it even more complicated to define what business casual really means. But the guidelines in this article will help you to understand how to comply with a business casual dress code policy and still remain businesslike. In doing this, your external appearance and choice of workwear will complement your skills, experience, qualifications and personality, and help you match the company you work for.